You are initiating the downswing incorrectly, according to golf instruction

Check out this movement that is done with the heel at the top of the swing before the arms move in the downswing.
Why you are not hitting the greens in regulation?

TrackMan is one way to gather the carry distances of all your clubs.
This golf tip will help you stop “flipping” or “chicken-winging” as you swing

Flipping at impact during the golf swing is a struggle that many golfers know all too well.
You can dial in your backswing with 3 simple things

The top of the swing is a key component to having a successful downswing and impact position.
Golf instruction: Increase clubhead speed by following a long-term drivers’ training program

Here’s a training program to help increase speed.
Golf Instruction: Stop losing power with your driver

Let’s get your swing a little bit longer.
Golf Instruction: How to stop the duck hook forever

Watch this week’s tip here.
Golf instruction: How to easily change the flight of your golf ball

Being in control of your golf shot doesn’t have to be just for the professionals.
This putting drill will help you master the speed and break of your putting stroke.

Watch this week’s tip here.
Golf Instruction: 3 Steps to simplify your backswing

Watch this week’s video here.