Golf instruction: Landing a chip the proper distance
Figuring out the chipping motion is only half the battle when it comes to short game, but working on carry distance and visualizing shots is (…)
Open your club face to chip in difficult lies
Many people panic when their golf ball lands in thick grass and only have one style of chipping. It’s important to be able to manipulate (…)
Golf Instruction: Stay connected to the club while chipping
Let’s get rid of those chunked chip shots.
Instruction in golf with Steve & Averee – Learn to read putts both directions
When reading a putt, it’s common to miss the proper read when looking at it from only one direction.
Golf instruction with Steve & Averee: Rub of the green
Find this week’s tip here.
Instruction in golf with Steve & Averee
Let’s make more putts.
For more consistency, take a lesson with Steve & Averee on golf instruction
To consistently chip well, take your hands out of the action.
Instructions for golf: How to position your ball during a putt
Here’s how to position your ball when you putt.
Golf instruction: How can you improve your clubhead speed?
Let’s hit bombs.
Golf instruction: How to play better in cold conditions
Averee Dovsek explains what she does when temperatures are low when it comes to club selection, layering and being prepared.