This putting drill will help you master the speed and break of your putting stroke.

Watch this week’s tip here.
Golf Instruction: 3 Steps to simplify your backswing

Watch this week’s video here.
What Fujikura shaft will you choose? Fujikura offers a full range of products
Two weeks ago, we highlighted Fujikura and the success of Ventus on the PGA Tour, and as one of the most popular shaft lineups in golf. Before that, we talked about Fuji’s new Axiom iron shafts, and saw our members and GolfWRX’s own Brian Knudson getting fit into Axiom. In this video, we talked with […]
Clement: Do not overlook this tip if you are looking for the center of your face
It is just crazy how golfers are literally beside themselves when they are placed in a properly aligned set up! They feel they can’t swing or function! We take a dive into why this is and it has to do with how the eyes are set up in the human skull!
How to avoid ever slicing your chips?

This is a foolproof method that takes minimal thinking.
Adam Schenk explains why he takes TWO bags to tournaments
Check out GolfWRX’s new hero, Adam Schenk, as he discusses why he carries two bags full of clubs to each event and how he decides the 14 that he’ll take to the first tee! Have a look at in-hand photos of Adam Schenk’s WITB here. View this post on Instagram A post shared […]
Slowing down your pace can help you avoid pull and cut shots.

Watch this week’s tip here.
Golf instruction: What to do when you can’t decide whether to putt or chip

Check out this week’s tip here.
Fitness with Averee – How to use hotel gyms while traveling

Watch this week’s tip here.
Golf Instruction: Flip the club to stop your long irons from slicing

If you have been dealing with that slight slice, this is the tip to try.