Clement: Stopping off the ball

You simply won’t believe your eyes; literally! Your eyes have binocular vision which wreak havoc with the way you see things from the side and you react to an absolute mirage by swaying off the ball and facing the target at impact.  

Knudson and Tursky, “3 Club Challenge” (with Ben Hogan from the 1960s).

Recently, ahead of the 2023 Rocket Mortgage Classic,’s “Two Guys Talking Golf” podcast hosts Brian Knudson and Andrew Tursky played a 3-Club Challenge at Rackham Golf Course in Huntington Woods, Michigan. Tursky, as a scratch golfer, used a 3-club set, while Knudson, a 9-handicapper, used his full bag. The rules were simple: Play a […]

Clement: Snap that driver for 300 yard drives!

PGA Tour Coach and Golf Channel Academy instructor, Shawn Clement, shows you how insanely adapt your arm anatomy is to get consistent releases when you allow it to happen in the direction you want the ball to start!

Clement: How to make your practice swing into your actual swing

If I had a dollar for every time I hear a golfer say, “My practice swing looks and feels great but when I go to the ball…” Here is a major reason why that is and you will not hear this from any other teaching academy except ours (for years) for the moment. And it […]

Clement: Don’t keep your head down!

How keeping your head down hurts your golf swing’s ability to get through the ball. Think you should keep your head down? Then why do so many tour players including 2 NUMBER 1 IN THE WORLD players do the COMPLETE OPPOSITE? Many of you have been misguided by the old myth of keeping your head […]