Check out how a California desert community uses golf to promote its minor-league hockey team

Nov, 2022

Grant Fuhr, a hockey and golf expert, has an answer to the question of why so many hockey players are also great golfers.

Fuhr, who was a five-time Stanley Cup-winning goalie for the Edmonton Oilers and a Hockey Hall of Famer, said that “we get summers off.” “So you have the chance to play golf.”

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This may be true for areas such as Canada, the Midwest and Northeast of America where winter is a time when you can focus on golf with only a few feet of snow. The Coachella Valley Firebirds are the newest professional hockey team in the desert. However, the golf season is prime time for them. It’s only natural that the Firebirds would meet the golf world.

On Wednesday, front office personnel from the Firebirds visited Marrakesh Country Club, Palm Desert, to meet with players and conduct their first tournament of the season. The Firebirds love this kind of outreach in a community that is full of snowbirds from Canada, the Pacific Northwest and other countries.

“It’s crucial. After finishing Wednesday’s round, Troy Bodie (director of hockey operations for Firebirds), said that sometimes you assume everybody knows you. It’s difficult to spread the word, especially in this community where everything happens at seasonal times. Just get out there and let people know that you’re available.

Bodie and Fuhr, both of whom will be doing some radio and television work for the Firebirds in this year’s season, and who also dabbled with professional golf after their playing days, were welcomed by a warm crowd at Marrakesh.

On Monday, November 14, 2022, Shots in the Night in Indian Wells Golf Resort in Indian Wells (Calif.) saw people walking around the putting greens. (Photo by Taya Grey/Desert Sun/USA Today Network

Although the Firebirds pitched for group sales, season tickets, and half-season tickets, some club members have already purchased season tickets for Firebirds. Some people didn’t know much about the Firebirds, but they were eager to learn. A few members of the club stated that they didn’t have any interest in hockey but this could change if there is a local team to cheer for.

Fuhr stated that there are natural transferable skills between the two sports.

Fuhr, a long-time resident of the desert, said that “if you look at how a guy shoots the puck and how the golf swing is at its bottom, they’re pretty similar.”

Old friends, new season

The Firebirds were able to make their introductions. However, it was also about the beginning of a new season at Marrakesh. This was less than a week after they had opened. Golfers returning to the desert for the first time had the opportunity to make new acquaintances and share their experiences with one another.

On the day, it was common for a foursome of players to have one in their 60s, one in their 70s, and another in their 80s. This scene is repeated in the desert every November, as the courses reopen after overseeding and snowbirds return for a few weeks.

Bodie laughed at the suggestion that golf might have an influence on the Firebirds.

Bodie smiled and said, “I believe in letting people do what they want away from the rink.” “But, we do judge them on what they do on the rink. If there is something distracting you from the rink, we deal with it.”

Larry Bohannan, The Desert Sun’s golf writer, is Larry Bohannan. You can contact him at (760) 778-4633 or at Follow him on Facebook and Twitter @larry_bohannan Support local journalism. Subscribe to The Desert Sun

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