Gannon Buhr, a disc golfer from Urbandale, Iowa, was walking off the Waterford Park disc golf course when the sun was setting. When a man walks his dog, he stops.
The man shouts, “Great season this Year,” to Buhr as he was out testing new discs.
Although he didn’t know him, these interactions are common on disc golf courses for Buhr, who is one of the top disc golf players in the world. He is able to walk in and out of any place in Iowa without being recognized. He is instantly recognized by everyone he meets when he walks on the course.
Buhr stated, “It’s fun to a degree.” “Sometimes, I just want the freedom to practice and tune out the world.”
Waukee Northwest High School student, aged 17, earned nearly $90,000. He also won a top event in the sport. He could become even more famous next year after quickly rising to prominence. He’s therefore one of the Des Moines Register‘s People to Watch in 2023.
“I think it will be very large because people are looking to him to prove that it was a fluke and he really is that good,” stated Will Schusterick, disc golf star.
Disc golf was the only sport that stuck
Buhr was an avid player of flag football, a baseball pitcher, and tried out basketball. He even attempted golf.
None of these sports stuck with him. Disc golf was his favorite. When he was nine years old, he started playing disc golf by using a basket from his neighbor’s backyard.
Disc golf gave him something that none of the other sports offered. Buhr was in complete control of his results. He didn’t have to depend on others to get the ball, stop him or make big plays. Buhr was the whole team.
Participants must throw smaller discs than frisbees into a basket as quickly as possible. It requires coordination, focus, and precision. It’s accessible to all ages and physical abilities.
It has also become more popular. UDisc, which assists players to find often-free courses, reports that the U.S. now has more than 9,000 courses. Travel Iowa claims that the state boasts more than 300 courses, and close to 100 tournaments. This makes it potentially “the amateur disc-golf capital of the globe.”
Gannon Buhr from Iowa is one the best disc golf players in America. (Photo by Bryon Houlgrave/The Des Moines Register
Buhr sold his junior golf clubs to buy golf discs and baskets. He set up a set in his backyard at Urbandale family home.
“We lived in a park.” Buhr stated that there was plenty of space to throw everything.”
Buhr was an avid player, regardless of how much snow was on the ground. By watching YouTube videos of the best players in the sport, he learned form and technique. Schusterick was his favorite, and he is now a three time winner of the United States Disc Golf Championship.
Michelle Nesheim, Buhr’s mother, followed Schusterick around at the tournament so that Buhr, then around 10, could see the star play. Schusterick was impressed by him and posed for a photo with Buhr. He also gave him a disc.
Schusterick stated, “I wasn’t even playing well… but after every shot he would clap.”
In June 2015, Buhr participated in his first tournament. He won his first tournament in June 2015. He was awarded $70, which he could use for disc purchases. He purchased four more and continued to play.
Buhr set up a net in his basement for practice throws. He also added a basket to help with his putting. He began to compete more as he improved. He made tournaments all over the country family vacations.
His mother stated, “All of our time was spent at disc golf tournaments.”
In 2017, Buhr was the 2017 PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association Amateur) and Junior Disc Golf World Championship. He won eight more titles the following year. He added another PDGA Junior Disc Golf World Championship to his collection in 2019, and ended the year with seven wins.
In 2021, Buhr was a member of the Disc Golf Pro Tour. This is the highest level competition. He won the United States Disc Golf Championship in October 2022. Buhr, who was 17 months old, won the event as the youngest player and received a $25,000 check.
Nesheim stated, “It has been within the past couple of years that it’s been a thought, ‘You Know, I Think This Could Actually Go Somewhere,'”
He is still a student at Waukee Northwestern. According to him, teachers were accommodating with his schedule and allowed him to miss as much as he needed as long as his schoolwork was completed. It’s not always easy. A write-up about his victory at United States Disc Golf Championship’s website states that he was “very behind” in his schoolwork at the time.
Other typical teenage activities have taken up a lot of his time. Buhr has not yet purchased a car. He hasn’t yet received his license due to his busy schedule.
He has sponsorship deals and career earnings that exceed $100,000
His mother stated that fans treat him like a celebrity at tournaments.
Nesheim stated that they had set up areas for autographs after the tournament. He said that he sees a lot people walking in the area and they are all of different ages, including little children and older people. It’s quite cool.
Buhr has won 24 events, and had earned $106,869 in career earnings as of November. He believes that he has reached the $100,000 mark faster than any other player in the history the sport.
This does not include the endorsement deals he receives from his five sponsors who pay him to wear their clothes or throw their discs.
With more than 31,000 followers, Buhr is also a social media celebrity. You will find many videos of Buhr playing his game and throwing discs.
“Dude, this is the season you’ve killed. It was inevitable. You have a long and successful career ahead. It’s a blessing to be where you are today. One person shared a Buhr Instagram post: “Keep having fun, enjoy it.”
Buhr claims that the money and fame are nice, but not what drives him. He said that most of his earnings went into the bank. He has not spent a lot on big purchases. He said he bought nice shoes and LEGO sets.
Buhr believes that it is important to get better.
Gavin Babcock, a disc golf player, said that Paul McBeth was “our Tiger Woods of discgolf.” He said that Buhr has the potential to win the title.
Buhr doesn’t plan on going to college. He has found his dream job.
Buhr stated that people expect a lot. “But, I believe, I’ll even be better.”