“My grandma just smoked an iron 9 iron 200 yards.”

Jan, 2023

Our forum members are discussing whether there is an iron limit. WRXer ‘Barfolomew” starts the thread with the catchy title ‘My grandma just smoked a nine iron 200 yards’. He then goes into detail about the topic.

“Will manufacturers always chase more iron distance, or is there a maximum usable iron length?

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It is possible to see weak players wanting more distance than very strong players who think gaps …… But that could be false. They will still be claiming that these irons are the longest on the market in 2050.

Our members have been sharing their thoughts on our forum.

These are just a few of the posts in the thread. But, make sure you check out the whole discussion and leave your thoughts at the link below.

  • Ger21: Distance sells and a large percentage of golfers are always seeking more distance. However, you only get so far with a given clubhead speed .”

  • Grouchykona says: “I feel clickbaited. . I was hoping to see a clip of a grandma with a great smile crushing 9 irons span>

  • golfinbrad says: “I believe companies have done a good job making irons that are suitable for all levels of players. There are more options than ever or at least for a while. Companies market distance because it sells. It may not work for the best players or more experienced players, but it works. There are some guys who arrive at the range every spring with the latest and greatest thinking that this club will elevate their game .”

Entire Thread: ‘My grandma just smoked a 9 iron 200 yards’

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