Photos: Rose Zhang and Tiger Woods meet at Amen Corner. They are given a standing ovation by Masters patrons at Augusta National

Apr, 2023

AUGUSTA (Georgia) – Rose Zhang, the Augusta National Women’s Amateur champion, was on Monday’s back nine following Tiger Woods. Zhang sat at the back of 12th tee with Rachel Heck, a good friend and NCAA champion. She waited for Woods to arrive. Woods was playing alongside Rory McIlroy & Fred Couples.

McIlroy first noticed Zhang’s team member, and he encouraged Woods to inform him that a fellow Cardinal was present in the gallery.

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Zhang smiled wide as he said, “I got the chance to shake hands and meet Rory and Tiger.” “Then Fred Couples came up to me and made me stand. “I was stunned.

Zhang, 19 years old, certainly deserved a standing ovation after clinching ANWA in dramatic fashion on Saturday. This was to add to the best amateur resumes the game had ever seen. Zhang is one of three players who won the U.S. Amateur, U.S. Junior and NCAA Championship. She won the ANWA in , her fourth attempt .

Zhang may surpass Woods’ Stanford record within the next few weeks. Zhang has won nine out of 16 career Cardinal starts, including five of the six this year. Woods, Maverick McNealy, and Patrick Rodgers hold the record for Stanford’s most wins with 11. Woods had 26 career starts at Stanford in just two years.

Zhang, who met Woods for the first time at the 2018 Junior Ryder Cup has four events remaining on her spring calendar.

Zhang returned to Amen Corner with her team to take sunset photos after meeting with the media on Saturday.

Zhang said, “It was perfect.” “Kindness of the calm after a storm environment.”

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