Tyrrell Hatton had a good time at the 2023 Open.
Then he reached No. In the second round, he was ranked 18th at Royal Liverpool. The wheels fell off.
He made a 9 at the par-5 for a quadruple-bogey. When he put the ball into his hole to end his round, he took out his putter and pretended that it was a pistol. I presume he did this sarcastically.
Hey, that’s better than his meltdown two years ago and when he flipped a bird at a pond. 18 can be a difficult hole.
The Open Championship Live leaderboard Schedule, Tee Times
Here are some highlights:
Tyrrell Hatton moves from -2 to +1 by making a quadruple on the last. It’s fine. It’s fine. pic.twitter.com/0NsptKxYtf
Jason Sobel (@JasonSobelTAN 21 July 2023
After hitting 2 OOB right img alt=”” class=”wp-smiley” src=”https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/72×72/1f633.png” style=”height: 1em; max-height: 1em; “/>img alt=”” class=”wp-smiley”, a href=”https://t.co/sP6N After hitting 2 OOB right
— Peter Finch July 21, 2020 HTML0
Crazy scenes on 18 for Tyrrell Hatton @TyrrellTracker pic.twitter.com/8HCayeKGfT
NUCLR Golf (@NUCLRGOLF 21 July 2023