You are initiating the downswing incorrectly, according to golf instruction

Check out this movement that is done with the heel at the top of the swing before the arms move in the downswing.
Why you are not hitting the greens in regulation?

TrackMan is one way to gather the carry distances of all your clubs.
This golf tip will help you stop “flipping” or “chicken-winging” as you swing

Flipping at impact during the golf swing is a struggle that many golfers know all too well.
Golf instruction: Increase clubhead speed by following a long-term drivers’ training program

Here’s a training program to help increase speed.
This putting drill will help you master the speed and break of your putting stroke.

Watch this week’s tip here.
Golf instruction: What to do when you can’t decide whether to putt or chip

Check out this week’s tip here.
Golf Instruction: Flip the club to stop your long irons from slicing

If you have been dealing with that slight slice, this is the tip to try.
Golf Instruction: Improve your putting by adjusting the level of the gate drill

Many golfers have heard of the putting gate drill using golf tees, but there is a way to take it a step further.
Box jumps for power: 10 days of winter training

Everyone is on the hunt for more power in the golf swing and half the battle comes from lower body strength.
10 days of winter workouts: Medicine ball rotational throws

Better rotation, more power.