Golf instruction: What to do when you can’t decide whether to putt or chip

Check out this week’s tip here.
Golf Instruction: Flip the club to stop your long irons from slicing

If you have been dealing with that slight slice, this is the tip to try.
Golf instruction: How to increase club head speed when you think you’re at your peak

It’s difficult to increase club head speed when you feel like you are already swinging as hard as you can.
Golf Instruction: How to fix the over-the top swing path

Many golfers have issues fixing their swing path on their own because it’s difficult to self-correct without seeing yourself.
Golf Instruction: Simple drill to improve your swing

From steep to shallow.
Golf Instruction: Improve your putting by adjusting the level of the gate drill

Many golfers have heard of the putting gate drill using golf tees, but there is a way to take it a step further.
Uphill and downhill lies: Golf instruction

Hitting on a slope does not have to be scary.
Golf instruction: How to deal with loose obstacles and moving obstructions

Golfweek‘s Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to deal with loose impediments and movable obstructions.
Are golf lessons lasting an hour becoming outdated?

“I’d rather see a student for 10 minutes a few days a week than once for an hour.”
Golf Instruction: How to move your ball marks properly

Golfweek‘s Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to properly mark and move your ball out of your playing partners line.